Home Eventi 6th EFCAP CONGRESS


di Sara Pezzuolo

Young Victims and young offenders

20/22 June 2018, Venice Mestre Ital


PLENARY SESSIONh. 08.00 Registration Opens
h. 09.00 Inaugural Session
h. 09.30 There’s no magic in Harry Potter without Harry Potter. Improving the quality of care together
with youngsters
Keynote Speaker – Inge F.H.M. Gerrits (NLD)
h. 10:30 Probation, parole, alternatives to imprisonment
Keynote Speaker – Arne Popma (NLD)

POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h. 11.30 / h. 12.00
h. 12.00 Patterns and trajectories of intimate partner violence in adolescence
Keynote Speaker – Ricardo Barroso (PRT)
h.13.00 Lunch
h. 17.00 Conduct Problems: Implications of neurocognitive and genetically informative findings
for intervention
Keynote Speaker – Essi Viding (GBR)
h. 18.00 Child Affected by Parental Relationship Distress
Keynote Speaker – William Bernet (USA)


SESSION 1: Family and parental conflict

SYMPOSIUM – h. 14.30/15.30

h. 14.30 Collaborative practice as a method to solve successfully family problems.
AIADC – Associazione Italiana Professionisti Collaborativi
Chair: Giovanni B. Camerini

What is collaborative practice and why it’s a challenging way to solve conflicts.
Cristina Rey (ITA), Alessandra Grilli (ITA)

The role of the neutral coach
Barbara Bassino (ITA)

The role of the child specialist
Federica Marabini (ITA), Andrea Salza (ITA)

ORAL COMMUNICATIONS – h. 15.30/16.30

h. 15.30 An Attachment-Based Model of Parental Alienation: Solutions for the Family Court
Craig Childress (USA)
h. 15.45 Attachment problems in a forensic adolescent population.
Madleina Manetsch (CHE), Amelie Führe (CHE), Christian Perler (CHE), Cyril Boonmann (CHE)
h. 16.00 Pilot study of the family resilience from the perspective of families at risk.
Anja Mirosavljevic (HRV), Ivana Jedud Boric (HRV)
h. 16.15 The Equality Principle: Splitting the Difference in Custody Disputes.
Leonard Ngaosuvan (SWE)

POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h. 16.30 / 17.00

SESSION 2 Family and parental conflict

SYMPOSIUM – h. 14.30/15.30

h. 14.30 Providing Family-centered Care in Secure Residential Institutions: Implications for Practice
and Research Results
Chairs: Kees Mos (NLD), Inge Simons (NLD)

Experiences from Practice and Training of Family-centered care in secure juvenile institutions in the Netherlands.

Kees Mos (NLD)

Factors influencing parental participation during their child’s detention: results of and qualitative research.

Inge Simons (NLD)

Family-centered Approach in Secure Residential Youth Care: Preliminary Results of a Quasi-Experimental Study.

Linde Broekhoven (NLD), Annemarieke Blankestein (NLD), Lieke van Domburgh (NLD), Rachel van der Rijken (NLD), Gonnie Albrecht (NLD), Maja Deković (NLD), Jessica Asscher (NLD), Inge Simons (NLD)

ORAL COMMUNICATIONS – h. 15.30/16.30

h. 15.30 New approaches to divorce with children: a problem of public health.
Vittorio Vezzetti (ITA)
h. 15.50 Criminal liability of the parent who psychologically abuses his/her child-practice of
prosecutor’s offices from Romania regarding to the suing of alienating parent.
Simona Maria Vladica (ROU)
h. 16.10 Diagnoses associated with parental alienation syndrome in child custody dispute forensic
Marina Walter-Menzinger (CHE), Thomas Demessence (CHE), Nathalie Stuker (CHE),
Paraskevi Goula (CHE)

POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h. 16.30 / 17.00

SESSION 3 Treatment

SYMPOSIUM – h. 14.30/15.30

h. 14.30 Compassion Focused Therapy for young offenders: rationale, treatment overview and outcome research design.

Chairs: Daniel Rijo (PRT), Ricardo Barroso (PRT)

Understanding psychopathy from an evolutionary perspective: The impact of shame and shame maladaptive coping strategies in the endorsement of psychopathic traits across a community and a forensic sample.

Paula Vagos (PRT), Diana Ribeiro da Silva (PRT); Daniel Rijo (PRT), Randall Salekin (USA)

Treating young offenders with psychopathic traits: A Compassion based intervention handbook.

Diana Ribeiro da Silva (PRT), Daniel Rijo (PRT), Paula Castilho (PRT), Paul Gilbert (GBR), Marlene Paulo (PRT), Rita Miguel (PRT), Nélio Brazão (PRT); Paula Vagos (PRT)

Testing the efficacy of Compassion Focused Therapy with young offenders: A clinical trial design.

Nelio Brazão (PRT), Daniel Rijo (PRT), Paul Gilbert (GBR), Paula Vagos (PRT), Marlene Paulo (PRT), Rita Miguel (PRT), Paula Castilho (PRT), Ricardo Barroso (PRT), Mário Simões (PRT)

ORAL COMMUNICATIONS – h. 15.30/16.30

h.15.30 The clinical relevance of the I-PACE-model in treating severe Internet related disorders in
Oliver Bilke-Hentsch (CHE), Andreas Wepfer (CHE), D. Baumann (CHE), Tagrid Lemenager
(GER), Kai Müller (GER)
h. 15.45 Which children need secure services in England?
Heidi Hales (GBR), Louise Warner (GBR)

h. 16.00 An upsized child and youth mental health court liaison service: with added fitness and
soundness reporting.
Scott Harden (AUS), Hasan Tasneem (AUS)
h. 16:15 Mindfull behind bars.
Sanne Hillege (NLD), Eva Mulder (NLD)

POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h. 16.30 / 17.00

SESSION 4 Treatment and assessment

SYMPOSIUM – h. 14.30/15.30

h. 14.30 The (un)usefulness of neurobiological research in prevention and intervention strategies
for antisocial behavior.
Chairs: Reshmi Marhe (NLD), Koen van Lith (NLD)

Research on antisocial behavior: from neurobiological theory to clinical practice.

Josian Zijlmans (NLD), Arne Popma (NLD), Floor Bevaart (NLD), Marie-Jolette A. Luijks (NLD), Laura van Duin (NLD), Reshmi Marhe (NLD)

Balancing the scale of Lady Justice: a plea for Biosocial Criminology.

Jorim Tielbeek (NLD), Ada Johansson, Tinca J.C.Polderman, Marja-Riitta Rautiainen, Philip Jansen, Stephen V. Faraone, Arne Popma (NLD), Sarah E. Medland, Danielle Posthuma

Effects of methylphenidate during fear learning and incentive processing in DBD male adolescents: a randomized controlled fMRI trail.

Koen van Lith (NLD), Dick Veltman (NLD), Moran Cohn (NLD), Louise Pape (NLD), Marieke van den Akker-Nijdam (NLD), Amanda van Loon (NLD), Pierre Bet (NLD), Guido van Wingen (NLD), Wim van den Brink (NLD), Theo Doreleijers (NLD), Arne Popma (NLD)

ORAL COMMUNICATIONS – h. 15.30/16.30

h. 15.30 CU-traits and HPA-axis functioning during residential treatment of adolescents with antisocial
Tijs Jambroes (NLD), Theo Doreleijers (NLD), Arne Popma (NLD), Lucres Jansen(NLD), Robert
Vermeiren (NLD)
h. 15.50 A positive approach to juvenile justice: the institute of probation.
Lino Rossi (ITA)
h. 16.10 Integration of youth parole and child protection services: the why and how of a new solution.
Inge Busschers (NLD), Leonieke Boendermaker (NLD), Geert Jan Stams (NLD)

POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h. 16.30 / 17.00

SESSION 5 Treatment and assessment

SYMPOSIUM – h. 14.30/15.30

h. 14.30 Jail Breakers redesigning treatment for youth at risk
Chair: Eva Mulder (NLD)

The treatment of serious juvenile offenders in the Netherlands.
Sonne Hillege (NLD)

Redesigning the juvenile justice system in the Netherlands.
Fleur Souverein (NLD)

School2Care; back on track through alternative education.
Sanne Pronk (NLD)

SYMPOSIUM – h. 15.30/16.30

h. 15.30 Are there differences between males and females with conduct disorder? – Results from the European multicentre study FemNAT-CD

Chairs: Anka Bernhard (DEU), Arne Popma (NLD)

Hormonal patterns in females and males with conduct disorder: Results from the European multicentre study FemNAT-CD.

Anka Bernhard (DEU), Marietta Kirchner (DEU), A. Martinelli (DEU), K.(Ackermann DEU), C. M Freitag (DEU), FemNAT-CD Consortium

Psychophysiological indicators of emotion regulation in females with conduct disorder.Findings from the FemNAT-CD study.

Helena Oldenhof (NLD), Nauta Jansen Lucres (NLD), Arne Popma (NLD), FemNAT-CD Consortium

Longitudinal changes of emotion processing functions in female adolescents with conduct disorder.

Sarah Baumann (DEU), Malou Gundlach (DEU), Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann (DEU), Kerstin Konrad (DEU), Gregor Kohls (DEU), FemNAT-CD Consortium

POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h. 16.30 / 17.00



h.11.30 How neuroscience is helping to motivate a preventative psychiatry approach: Latent
vulnerability and the impact of childhood maltreatment
Keynote Speaker – Eamon McCrory (GBR)
h.12.30 Bullying from the schoolyard to social media: Negative outcomes and the search for
promising interventions
Keynote Speaker – Emilio Viano (USA)
h. 13.30 Lunch
h.17.30 Antisocial development: when and how an early ‘little’ risk goes a long way
Keynote Speaker – Georgia Zara (ITA)


SESSION 6 Intercultural studies and victims

ORAL COMMUNICATIONS – h. 09.00/11.00

h. 09.00 Radicalization in Adolescents – The needs of physicians and psychotherapists in preventing
Marc Allrogen (DEU), Thea Rau (DEU), Jeannine Ohlert (DEU), Jörg M. Fegert (DEU)
h. 09.15 Some once were warriors: adaptations required for a bicultural adolescent forensic service
in New Zealand.
Enys Delmage (NZL); Menetta Te Aonui (NZL)
h. 09.30 Describing juvenile deliquency in Kosovo.
Naim Fanaj (XKX), Mustafa Sevim (XKX)
h. 09.45 First look at psychosocial functioning, adversity and mentalization of delinquent adolescents
assigned to behavior modification program in Lithuania.
Lina Gervinskaite-Paulaitiene (LTU), Rasa Barkauskiene (LTU), Asta Adler (LTU), Danguole
h. 10.00 Families at risk – perception of professionals working in public and civil sector.
Ivana Jedud Boric (HRV), Anja Mirosavljevic (HRV)
h. 10.20 Incarcerated youth mental and physical health: parity of esteem
John Kasinathan (AUS), Yolisha Singh (AUS), Andrew Kennedy (AUS)
h. 10.40 Need and Understanding – Young Victims’ Experiences of Processing Victimization.
Sara Thunberg (SWE)

POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h.11.00 / 11.30

h.13.30 Lunch

SESSION 7 Good life models

SYMPOSIUM – h. 9.00/10.00

h. 9.00 From risks to needs: Quality of Life in juvenile offender rehabilitation
Chairs: Chijs Van Nieuwenhuizen (NLD), Ricardo Barroso (PRT)

(Quality of) Life after incarceration: A follow-up study of former patients leaving psychatric residential care.

Lisette Janssen-de Ruijter (NLD), Eva Mulder (NLD), Ilja Bongers (NLD), Chijs Van Nieuwenhuizen (NLD)

Involving patients in the development of a web-based quality of life instrument: the QoL-ME. David Buitenweg (NLD), Chijs Van Nieuwenhuizen (NLD)


h. 10.00 Young women out of residential care speaking of their needs: empirical support for the
relevance of The Good Lives Model.
Nadine Lanctôt (CAN)
h. 10.15 The eleven primary goods of the Good Lives Model as determinants for well-being in
adolescents: preliminary results of a systematic literature review.
Colinda Serie (BEL), Lore Van Damme (BEL), Johan Put (BEL), Stefaan Pleysier (BEL)
h. 10.30 The Good Lives Model: A strenght-based approach for detained female adolescents.
Lore Van Damme (BEL), Clare-Ann Fortune (NZL), Stijn Vandevelde (BEL),
Wouter Vanderplasschen (BEL)
h. 10.45 Adolescents’ experiences of strengths in the transition from detention back to community.
Nele Van Hecke (BEL), Stijn Vandevelde (BEL), Wouter Vanderplasschen (BEL), Lore Van
Damme (BEL)

POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h.11.00 / 11.30

h.13.30 Lunch

SESSION 8 Prevention

SYMPOSIUM – h. 9.00/10.00

h. 09.00 Harry Potter and the True Psychopath
Chairs: Riittakerttu Kaltiala-Heino (FIN), Svetlana Oshukova (FIN)

Introduction. Two fates intertwined – what unites and separates Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort?

Riittakerttu Kaltiala-Heino (FIN), Svetlana Oshukova (FIN)

Psychopathic traits illustrated by Voldemort’s character Svetlana Oshukova (FIN), Riittakerttu Kaltiala-Heino (FIN)

Voldermort in light of ethiological theories of psychopathy Riittakerttu Kaltiala-Heino (FIN), Svetlana Oshukova (FIN)

ORAL COMMUNICATIONS – h. 10.00/11.00

h. 10.00 Proximity and distance in juvenile residential care- the Bündner Standard approach.
Oliver Bilke-Hentsch (CHE), Dieter Stoesser(CHE), Benjo de Lange(CHE), Mogens Nielsen (CHE)
h. 10.20 Affective empathy, cognitive empathy and social attention in children at high risk of criminal
Lisette Van Zonneveld (NLD), Evelien Platje (NLD), Leo de Sonneville (NLD), Stephanie van
Goozen (NLD), Hanna Swaab (NLD)
h. 10.40 The perception of social safeness in community and forensic boys.
Daniel Rijo (PRT), Rita Ramos Miguel (PRT), Ruben Sousa (PRT), Paula Castilho (PRT), Paul
Gilbert (GBR)

h. POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h.11.00 / 11.30

h.13.30 Lunch

SESSION 9 Juvenile delinquency and sex offenders

SYMPOSIUM – h. 09.00/10.00

h. 09.00 The role of biological correlates of antisocial and prosocial behaviour in the development
of conscience.
Chairs: Maaike Cima (NLD), Iro Fragkaki (NLD)

Introduction of a theoretical framework of morally relevant behaviour.
Maaike Cima (NLD)

Daily oxytocin rhythm in relation to psychopathy and trauma in residential youth.
Iro Fragkaki (NLD), Maaike Verhagen (NLD), Maaike Cima (NLD)

Identifying subgroups of detained juveniles from a biopsychosocial perspective.

Esther De Ruigh (NLD), Samantha Bouwmeester (NLD), Lieke van Domburgh (NLD), Arne Popma (NLD), Robert Vermeiren (NLD), Lucres Nauta (NLD)

SYMPOSIUM – h. 10.00/11.00

h. 10.00 Above and beyond risk factors

Chair: Michiel De Vries Robbé

Risk and protective factors for reoffense in juvenile offenders.

Anneke Kleeven (NLD), Esther de Ruigh (NLD), P.(van de Ven NLD), L. Jansen (NLD), Michiel de Vries Robbé (NLD), Robert Vermeiren (NLD), Eva Mulder (NLD), Arne Popma (NLD)

The added value of neurobiological factors in the prediction of recidivism in juvenile offenders.

Esther De Ruigh(NLD), Anneke Kleeven (NLD), P van de Ven (NLD), L. Jansen (NLD), Michiel de Vries Robbé NLD), Robert Vermeiren (NLD), Eva Mulder (NLD), Arne Popma (NLD)

Risk and protective factors for offending behaviour in former residential care youths.

Cyril Boonmann (CHE), David Bürgin (CHE), Jennifer Erb (CHE), Elodie Fux (CHE), Delfine d’Huart (CHE), Nils Jenkel (CHE), Julie Palix (CHE), Süheyla Seker (CHE), Ennio Zala (CHE), Jörg Fegert (CHE), Klaus Schmeck (CHE), Marc Schmid (CHE)

POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h.11.00 / 11.30

h. 13.30 Lunch
SESSION 10 Assessment

SUMPOSIUM – h. 09.00/10.00
h. 09.00 Does the brain response of males and females with conduct disorder differ? – fMRI results
from the European multicentre study FemNAT-CD
Chairs: Stephane A. De Brito (GBR), Christina Stadler (CHE)

Brain response to negative facial expressions in male and female youths with conduct disorder: Preliminary findings from the FemNAT-CD consortium.

Stephane A. De Brito (GBR), Jack Rogers (GBR), Areti Smaragdi (GBR), Karen Gonzalez (GBR), Rosalind Baker (GBR), Roberta Clanton (GBR), Ruth Pauli (GBR), Justina Sidlauskaite (GBR), Roberta Ricelli (GBR), Gregor Kohls (DEU), Sarah Baumann (DEU), Caroline Biskup (DEU), Kerstin Konrad (DEU), Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann (DEU), Anne Martinelli (DEU), Anka Bernhard (DEU), Katharina Hackermann (DEU), Christine Freitag (DEU), Graeme Fairchild (GBR), FemNAT-CD Consortium

Sex differences in neural activation during reward and punishment cue processing in adolescents with conduct disorder.

Stephane A. De Brito (GBR), Justina Sidlauskaite (BEL), Areti Smaragdi (CAN), Karen Gonzalez-Madruga (GBR), Ignazio Puzzo (GBR), Roberta Riccelli (GBR), Sarah Baumann (DEU), Gregor Kohls (DEU), Christine Freitag (DEU), Kerstin Konrad (DEU), Graeme Fairchild (GBR)

Atypical neural correlates during explicit emotion regulation in female youths with conduct disorder.

Nora Maria Raschle (CHE), Lynn Valérie Fehlbaum (CHE), Willeke Martine Menks (CHE), Martin Prätzlich (CHE), Linda Kersten (DEU), Anne Martinelli (DEU), Katharina Ackermann (DEU), Anka Bernhard (DEU), Christine Freitag (DEU), Graeme Fairchild (GBR), Stephane A. DeBrito (GBR), Christina Stadler (CHE), FemNAT CD-Consortium

ORAL COMMUNICATIONS – h. 10.00 / 11.00

h. 10.00 A meta-analytical evaluation of the dual-hormone hypothesis: Does cortisol moderate the
relationship between testosterone and status-relevant behavior?
Thyco Dekkers (NLD), Joost Agelink van Rentergem (NLD), Bren Meijer (NLD), Arne Popma
(NLD), Hilde Huizenga (NLD)
h. 10.20 Assessing Psychopathic Traits early in development: Testing potential associations with
behavioural, affective, and contextual Factors.
Chara Demetriou (CYP), Kostas Fanti (CYP), Olivier Colins (CYP), Henrik Andershed (CYP)
h. 10.40 Identifying variants of psychopathy among incarcerated youth: differences in psychopathic
traits, negative affect, trauma abuse or neglect, aggression and psychopathology.
Armelle Van den Burg (NLD), Eva Mulder (NLD), Anika Bexkens (NLD), Sandy Overgaauw
(NLD), Natasja Hornby (NLD)
SESSION 11 Assessment

Mini Workshop – h. 15.00/16.00
h. 15.00 Introduction to the SAPROF-Youth Version: Assessment of protective factors for violence in
Michiel de Vries Robbé (NLD), Anneke Kleeven (NLD), Ed Hilterman (NLD)

ORAL COMMUNICATIONS – h. 16.00/17.00

h. 16.00 Callous unemotional and autistic traits: Investigating differences on empathy. Giorgios Georgiou (CYP), Kostas Fanti (CYP), Chara Demetriou (CYP)

h. 16.15 The validity of conduct disorder symptom-profiles in high risk youth.

Marcel Aebi (CHE), Steffen Barra (CHE), Cornelia Bessler (CHE), Susanne Walitza (CHE), Belinda Plattner (CHE)

h. 16.30 Risk-need assessment trajectories of violent young women.
Ed Hilterman (NLD), Ilja Bongers (NLD), Tonia Nicholls (NLD), Chijs van Nieuwenhuizen (NLD)
h. 16.45 Violence risk in young adult offenders.
Kleeven Anneke (NLD), Michiel de Vries Robbé (NLD), Eva Mulder (NLD), Arne Popma (NLD)

POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h. 17.00 / 17.30

SESSION 12 Assessment

SYMPOSIUM – h. 15.00/16.00
h. 15.00 Chances to improve forensic care for youth in a changing juvenile justice system
Chairs: Theo Doreleijers (NLD), Eva Mulder (NLD)
Juvenile criminal law in Switzerland.
Cyril Boonmann (CHE), Madleina Manetsch (CHE), Nils Jenkel (CHE), Jörg Fegert (DEU),
Klaus Schmeck (CHE), Marc Schmid (CHE)
Exploring experimental small, inner-city youth detention centers with low security in addition
to the existing juvenile justice system in The Netherlands.
Marcia Adriaanse (NLD), Fleur Souverein (NLD), Eva Mulder (NLD), Lieke van Domburgh (NLD),
Arne Popma (NLD)
The development and implementation of an orientation center for Youth Detention Centers
in Flanders (Belgium), guided by forensic theoretical frameworks.
Lore Van Damme (BEL), Davy Van Dyck (BEL), Chris Smolders (BEL), Stef Decoene (BEL), Stijn
Vandevelde (BEL), Wouter Vanderplasschen (BEL)

ORAL COMMUNICATIONS – h. 16.00/17.00
h. 16.00 Risk assessment of juveniles who sexually offended against children vs. juveniles who sexually
offended against peers: Clinical implications.
Chiara Krause (CHE), Markus Landolt (CHE), Cornelia Bessler (CHE), Marcel Aebi (CHE)
h. 16.15 Transition of care among young offenders moving from forensic adolescent mental health
services to adult services: A national qualitative study.
Maria Livanou (GBR), Vivek Furtado (GBR), Swaran Singh (GBR)
h. 16.30 Psychometric Analysis of DSM-5 Criteria of Conduct Disorder and the Limited Prosocial
Emotions Qualifier
Martin Steppan (CHE), Christina Stadler (CHE), The FemNAT Consortium
h. 16.45 Adolescents and cybercrimes (sexting, hacking, cyberbullying, online threat): the associations
with individual, parental and other developmental outcome variables.
Inge Wissink (NLD), Stams Geert-Jan (NLD)

POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h. 17.00 / 17.30

SESSION 13 Assessment and juvenile delinquency

SYMPOSIUM – h. 15.00/16.00

h. 15.00 Understanding of and intervening in emotion problems in children with antisocial behaviour

Chairs: Hanna Swaab (NLD)

Recognition of facial emotion and affective prosody in children at high risk of criminal behaviour

Lisette Van Zonneveld (NLD), Leo de Sonneville (NLD), Stephanie van Goozen (GBR), Hanna Swaab (NLD)

Improving emotion recognition in children and adolescents with behavioural and emotional difficulties

Laura Hunnikin (GBR), Stephanie Van Goozen (GBR), Amy Wells (GBR)

The effect of the Cardiff Emotion Recognition Training on behaviour and Theory of Mind in children at risk of future criminal behaviour.

Amy Wells (GBR), Stephanie Van Goozen (GBR), Laura Hunnikin (GBR)

ORAL COMMUNICATIONS – h. 16.00/17.00

h. 16.00 Online Sexual Predators: Does the age of child victim matter in online grooming process?
Dilek Celik (TUR), Ahmet Faruk Ekinci (TUR)
h. 16.15 Playing football is more than just running around. Evaluation of a football intervention for
juvenile delinquents
Ilja Bongers (NLD), Chijs Van Nieuwenhuizen (NLD)
h.16.30 The “bad girls”. Female antisociality in Italy
Ugo Sabatello (ITA)
h. 16.45 Treatment Effect on Recidivism for Juveniles Who Have Sexually Offended: a Multilevel Meta-

Ellis Ter Beek (NLD), Anouk Spruit(NLD), Chris H.Z. Kuiper(NLD), Rachel E. A. van der Rijken (NLD), Jan Hendriks (NLD), Geert Jan J. M. Stams (NLD)

POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h. 17.00 / 17.30

SESSION 14 Juvenile delinquency and sex offenders

SYMPOSIUM h. 15.00/16.00

h. 1500 Subtypes, Courses, and Criminal Outcomes of ADHD and Conduct Disorder in Youth
Chair: Marcel Aebi (CHE)

Neuro-physiological biomarkers associated with distinct conduct problem subtypes.
Kostas Fanti (CYP)

Identifying Children With Severe Conduct Problems: The Importance of the DSM-5 Limited Prosocial Emotions and Other Proposed Specifiers.

Olivier Colins (SWE), Henrik Andershed (SWE)

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Childhood and Adolescence and the Risk of Crime in Young Adulthood in a Danish Nationwide Study.

Hans Cristoph Steinhausen (CHE), Christina Mohr Jensen (CHE)

POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h. 17.00 / 17.30


THE Olympic debate h. 15.00/17.00


PLENARY SESSION h. 09.00/10.00

h. 09.00 Plenary Session: Child Witness Evaluation in CSA Cases: Memory, Interviewing and Assessment

Keynote Speaker – Giuliana Mazzoni (United Kingdom)

SESSION 16 Treatment


SYMPOSIA h. 10.00/12.00

h. 10.00 No treatment as usual: the use of neurobiology in treatment practice
Chair: Lucres Nauta-Jansen (NLD)

Gameful Mindfulness-based Relaxation Therapy for Traumatized Youths: A Pilot Study Testing Three Interventions.

Karin Nijhof (NLD), Angela Schuurmans (NLD), Roy Otten (NLD), Ron Scholte(NLD), Arne Popma(NLD)

Biofeedback in treatment of aggression: a promising intervention.

Lise Swinkels (NLD), Annemieke ter Harmsel (NLD), Arne Popma (NLD), Anneke Goudriaan (NLD), Matthijs Noordzij (NLD), Thimo van der Pol (NLD)

Neurocognitive an assessment to prevent criminal behaviour in Aggressive children.

Hanna Swaab (NLD), Lisette Zonneveld (NLD), Leo Sonneville (NLD), Stephanie Van Goozen (GBR)

h. 11.00 Results of T.H.E. Study on Multi-Problem Young Adults: Psychological, social, neurobiological mechanisms, and service use trajectories

Chairs: Lieke Van Domburgh (NLD), Reshmi Marhe (NLD)

Psychological and social characteristics of Multi-problem Young Adults.

Floor Bevaart (NLD), Josjan Zijlmans (NLD), Laura Van Duin (NLD), M. Luijks (NLD), Theo Doreleijers(NLD), Arne Popma (NLD)

Child Protection Service interference in childhood and the relation with mental health problems and delinquency in young adult hood: a latent class analysis study.

Laura Van Duin (NLD), Floor Bevaart (NLD), C.Paalman (NLD), M.(Luijks NLD), Josjan Zijlmans (NLD), Reshmi Marhe (NLD), A.Blokland (NLD), Theo Doreleijers (NLD), Arne Popma (NLD)

Neurobiological characteristics of multi-problem young adults: error processing, morality, and their relation with psychopathic traits.

Josian Zijlmans (NLD), M. Luijks (NLD), Reshmi Marhe (NLD), Laura Van Duin (NLD), Theo Doreleijers (NLD), Bevaart Floor (NLD), Arne Popma (NLD)

POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h.12.00 / 12.30

PLENARY SESSION h. 12.30/13.30

h. 12.30 Therapeutic disclosure revisit
Keynote Speaker – Chijs van Nieuwenhuizen (NLD)
h. 13.30 End of sessions and take home messages
h. 14.00 Lunch

SESSION 17 Treatment

SYMPOSIA h. 10.00/12.00

h. 10.00 Group-based Innovations on the Pedagogical Climate in Residential Youth Care
Chair: Karin Nijhof (NLD) Discussant: Lieke Van Domburgh (NLD)

Gender sensitivity in secured residential youth care.

Karin Nijhof (NLD), Annemiek Harder (NLD), Carolien Konijn (NLD), Lieke van Domburgh (NLD)

Non-Violent Resistance in a residential setting, with explicit attention for juveniles with mild intellectual disabilities (MID).

Katharina Visser (NLD), Arne Popma (NLD), Lucres Jansen Nauta (NLD), Robert Vermeiren (NLD), M. Kasius (NLD)

Reducing and preventing depressive symptoms among adolescents in residential treatment by a cognitive behavior therapy program: An initial Cluster Randomized Trial.

Ignace Vermaes (NLD), Martine Weeland (NLD), Karin Nijhof (NLD), Jan Buitelaar (NLD)

h. 11.00 New methods to overcome challenges in diagnostic and treatment in adolescents with deviant behaviour

Chair: Chijs Van Nieuwenhuizen (NLD)

The usefulness of the Autism Quotient in diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder in boys with and without delinquent behaviour.

Alexa Rutten (NLD), Chijs Van Nieuwenhuizen (NLD)

Development of externalizing behavior of male adolescents in psychiatric residential care:
you think thrice

Lisette Janssen-de Ruijter (NLD), Eva Mulder (NLD), Ilja Bongers (NLD), Chijs Van Nieuwenhuizen,(NLD)

Youth and staff working together to reach alliance. A N=3 study in a hospital for youth forensic psychiatry.

Ilja Bongers (NLD), Chijs Van Nieuwenhuizen (NLD)

Adolescent and adult persistent offenders: Dealing with recidivism and their needs Diana Roeg (NLD), Emma Hofstra (NLD), Chijs Van Nieuwenhuizen (NLD)

POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h.12.00 / 12.30

SESSION 18 Treatment

SYMPOSIA h. 10.00/12.00

h. 10.00 Improving residential mental health care: do not forget to ask the opinions of youngsters!

Chairs: Chijs Van Nieuwenhuizen (NLD), Ilja Bongers (NLD)

Which youngsters benefit the most? The evaluation of treatment progress with Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs).

Eva Leenderts (NLD), Chijs Van Nieuwenhuizen (NLD), Ilja Bongers (NLD), Anne Maaskant (NLD), Lisette Janssen-de Ruijter (NLD)

‘I need to know’: developing an e-health application together with youngsters.
Romy Van Kuijk (NLD), Ilja Bongers (NLD)

Project Life: A recovery-based intervention developed by youngsters.
Inge Gerrits (NLD)

h. 11.00 No treatment as usual: investigating the opportunities of informal care in forensic outpatient treatment
Chairs: Lise Swinkels (NLD), Lucres Nauta-Jansen ((NLD)

Youth Initiated Mentoring: a natural paradox
Inge Wissink (NLD), Levi Van Dam (NLD), Geert Jan Stams (NLD)

@ease with headspace

Stefanie Rosema (NLD), Sophie Leijdesdorff (NLD), Mary Rose Postma (NLD), Therese van Amelsvoort (NLD), Dorien Nieman (NLD), Arne Popma (NLD), Rianne Klaassen (NLD)

Forensic Network Coaching: improving social networks among a forensic psychiatric outpatient population.

Lise Swinkels (NLD), Arne Popma (NLD), Jack Dekker (NLD), Thimo van der Pol (NLD)

POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h.12.00 / 12.30

SESSION 19 Juvenile delinquency and sex offenders

SYMPOSIUM – h. 10.00/11.00

h. 10.00 Teacher-targeted aggression by students: Results from a multi-country project

Chairs: Maria Ttofi (GBR)

Predictors of teacher-targeted aggression: Results from a systematic review and meta-analysis

Maria Ttofi (GBR), Sara Valdebenito (GBR), Alex Piquero (GBR), Doroty Espelage (GBR), Hannah Gaffney (GBR)

Teacher-victimization in Swedish Schools: Identification of Risk Factors.

Karin Hellfeldt (SWE), Henrik Andershed (SWE), Sara Göransson (SWE), Anna Meehan (SWE), Magnus Sverke (SWE)

The relationships between students victimization of teachers, and student victimization by teachers

Rami Benbenishty (ISR), Ron Avi Astor (ISR)

ORAL COMMUNICATIONS – h. 11.00/12.00

h. 11.00 Psychosocial Implication of Children’s Exposure to Animal Cruelty.
Francesca Sorcinelli (ITA)
h. 11.15 The link between strain, negative emotions and delinquency: gender differences in a
longitudinal study.
Maria da Luz Vale-Dias (PRT), António Castro Fonseca (PRT), Graciete Franco-Borges (PRT),
Marta Oliveira (PRT)

h. 11.30 Dimensions of the compassion towards others in adolescents: testing for differences
between boys from the community and from a forensic sample.
Nelio Brazão (PRT), Marlene Paulo (PRT), Ruben Sousa (PRT), Daniel Rijo (PRT),
Paula Castilho (PRT)
h. 11.45 Stress and well-being in juvenile facilities: clues for prevention and intervention with young
offenders and professionals.
Maria Vale-Dias (PRT), Teresa Figueiredo (PRT)

POSTER SESSION & Coffee Break – h.12.00 / 12.30


1. Interpersonal Relationships as Protective and Risk Factors for Psychopathy
Heidi Backman (FIN), Taina Laajasalo(FIN), Markus Jokela (FIN), Eeva T Aronen(FIN)

2. Mate Retention Inventory-Short Form (MRI-SF): Adaptation to the Italian context Umberto Battaglia (ITA), Aurelio Oddo(ITA), Fabio Benatti (ITA)

3. The standardisation of Bonn Test of Statement Suggestibility (BTSS) on the Italian population Fabio Benatti (ITA)

4. Victimization and psychological functioning of adolescents: the moderating role of sex Nélio Brazão (PRT), Ana Marques (PRT), Célia Ferreira (PRT), Carla Antunes (PRT), Eunice Magalhães (PRT)

5. To challenge the cyberbullyng: to prevent the victimization Beatrice Chinnici (ITA)

6. Community intervention and follow-up for adolescents with mental health and addiction problems in probation programs

Monica Civit Ramirez (ESP), Teresa Marrero Marrero (ESP), Jaume Martínez Mas (ESP), Noemi Del Prado Sanchez (ESP), Jaume Claramunt Mendoza (ESP), Oriol Canalias Perez (ESP), Maria Ribas Siñol (ESP)

7. Comorbidity in Juvenile Justice

Monica Civit Ramirez (ESP), Teresa Marrero Marrero (ESP), Jaume Martínez Mas (ESP), Noemi Del Prado Sanchez (ESP), Jaume Claramunt Mendoza (ESP), Oriol Canalias Perez (ESP), Maria Ribas Siñol (ESP)

8. Signs of Effectiveness for Signs of Safety? – A Mixed Method Study

Hanneke Creemers(NLD) ,Sari Reekers(NLD), Sharon Dijkstra(NLD), Geert Jan Stams(NLD), Jessica Asscher(NLD)

9. The right to a family and foster family. Reflections from a recent qualitative italian research Crocetta Christian (ITA)

10. Hip-Hop Therapy: An approach to working with offenders with severe mental health conditions Kim Dilati (AUS), A. Short (AUS), J. Kasinathan (AUS), N. Hall (AUS), S. Garrido (AUS), A. Howie (AUS)

11. Protecting bonds: gatekeeping and child custody evaluation Valeria Franco (ITA), Manuel Marcon (ITA), Miriam Lutzu (ITA)

12. Sensation seeking mediation in predicting proactive and reactive aggression among narcissistic Greek-Cypriot adolescents
Georgia Frangou (CYP), Maria Petridou(CYP), Kostas A. Fanti(CYP)

13. Parental involvement mediating the relation between conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits Evita Katsimicha (CYP), Kostas A. Fanti (CYP), Giorgos Georgiou (CYP)

14. Identifying psychopathy variants among high risk adolescents: Association with amygdala functioning during fear acquisition and extinction
Katerina Konikkou(CYP), Kosta A. Fanti(CYP), Moran Cohn (CYP), Indi Brazil(CYP), Arne Popma(NLD)

15. The forensic-psychology evaluation of family relationships : the family system test (fast), italian validation.
Miriam Lutzu(ITA),Tiziana Magro(ITA), Fabio Benatti(ITA), Silvia De Lorenzi(ITA), Marta Mazzurco(ITA)

16. Autism Spectrum Disorders and Offending Behaviour in Adolescents

Jaume Martinez Mas(ESP), Teresa Marrero Marrero(ESP) Monica Civit Ramirez(ESP), Noemi Del Prado Sanchez (ESP), Jaume Claramunt Mendoza(ESP), Oriol Canalias Perez(ESP), Maria Ribas Siñol(ESP)

17. Sexual abuse and crime in female young offenders

Jaume Martinez Mas(ESP), Teresa Marrero Marrero(ESP) Monica Civit Ramirez(ESP), Noemi Del Prado Sanchez (ESP), Jaume Claramunt Mendoza(ESP), Oriol Canalias Perez(ESP), Maria Ribas Siñol(ESP)

18. Youth runaways from residential care: expression of resilience of youth with behavior problems?
Ivana Maurović (HRV), Gabrijela Ratkajec Gašević (HRV), Anja Mirosavljević (HRV)

19. An evaluation of referrals to Youth FIRST, a community forensic mental health service for young people in the United Kingdom
Shay Anne-Pantall(GBR), David Goodman(GBR), Tina Irani(GBR)

20. Adaptation of Soldiers in the Military community Constantinos Papanikolaou(CYP), Kostas Fanti(CYP)

21. How do children with CU-traits experience and express their emotions? A study using a pre-school sample

Maria Petridou(CYP), Margarita Loli(CYP), Chara Demetriou(CYP). Melina-Nicole Kyranides,(CYP) Kostas A. Fanti(CYP)

22. Parental Alienation and Parricide: a case analysis
Sara Pezzuolo (ITA), Franco Scarpa (ITA), Pasquale Giuseppe Macrì (ITA)

23. Protocol implementation of intervention sensorimotor with use of the dog in children with a diagnosis of ptsd
Antonio Pignatto (ITA), Fiorenza Scagnetto (ITA)

24. Protocol support to child witness through interaction with dog for animal assisted intervention (AAI) Antonio Pignatto (ITA), Fiorenza Scagnetto (ITA)

25. Psychophysiological biomarkers of emotion regulation: Differences in Heart Rate Variability between community and forensic boys
Daniel Rijo(PRT), Rúben Sousa(PRT), Nicola Petrocchi (ITA), Paul Gilbert (GBR)

26. Change in early maladaptive schemas and disruptive emotions: outcomes form a non-randomized trial testing the effects of the Growing Pro-Social Program with male young offenders
Daniele Rijo (PRT), Nélio Brazão (PRT), Rita Ramos Miguel (PRT), Marlene Paulo (PRT)

27. Parental psychopathology and minor offenders. What evidence? Antonino Riolo (ITA), Franco Babici (ITA)

28. Affiliative mentality in youth residential care: research plan of the impact of a compassionate mind training program with caregivers
Laura Santos (PRT), Daniel Rijo (PRT), Maria do Rosário Pinheiro (PRT)

29. Projet’Ar-te – Development of Life Skills: Follow-up studies of autonomy program for young people in residential care
Laura Santos (PRT), Maria do Rosário Pinheiro (PRT), Cristina Velho (PRT), Carla Palaio (PRT)

30. Triarchic Model of Psychopathy: associations with hemodynamic responses in young adults with psychopathic traits.

Maria Sikki(CYP), Melina Nicole Kyranides(CYP),Kostas A. Fantis(CYP)

31. Physical exercise and Executive Functions in delinquent adolescents
Michelle ter Veer(NLD), P. Stalman(NLD), Mahare Reshmi(NLD), E. Scherder(NLD)

32. Prevention of externalizing and internalizing problems in adolescence: the role of family environment Maria da Luz Vale-Dias (PRT), Alice Morgado (PRT)

33. An outreaching intervention for multiproblem families: A pilot study
Ivanka van Delft (NLD), Floor Bevaart (NLD), Theo Doreleijers (NLD), Arne Popma (NLD)

34. Flemish expertconsensus regarding multiple and complex needs in youth care: a Delphi study Helena Van den Steene (BEL), Inge Glazemakers (BEL), Dirk van West (BEL)

35. Detained fathers and their children: how to preserve family ties during detention

Sara Vianello (ITA), Michela Rossi (ITA), Alessia Borile (ITA), Veronica Pizzolato (ITA), Susanna Mazzoleni (ITA), Eleonora Florian (ITA), Valentina Fornasier (ITA)

36. Investigating the Formation of Autobiographical Memories of Young Men who Have Offended Roisin Whelan (NLZ), Clare-Ann Fortune (NLZ), Karen Salmon (NLZ)

37. Children and their families who have been interfered by Child Protection Services, leading them towards more effective help
Michelle Witsenburg(NLD), Reshmi Marhe(NLD), Theo Doreleijers(NLD), Arne Popma(NLD)

38. Endophenotypes and Heterogeneity in the Genetics of Antisocial Behaviour
Zacharaki Georgia (CYP), Kostas Fanti (CYP), Alexandros Lordos (CYP), Victoria Theocharous (CYP)


L’iscrizione è inclusa per chi è iscritto alla Conferenza Internazionale.

h. 08:30 Registrazione dei Partecipanti
h. 09:00 Saluto delle Autorità e dei rappresentanti delle Associazioni e Organizzazioni presenti
h. 10:00 The best interest of the child tra attaccamento e diritto alla bigenitorialità: cosa ci dice il
bambino? – Ugo Sabatello, Federica Thomas
h. 10:45 Testimoni in casi di abuso sessuale su minori: Esempi di buona e cattiva prassi
Giuliana Mazzoni
h. 11:05 La realtà criminogenica nello sviluppo di una carriera antisociale e violenta giovanile
Georgia Zara
h. 11:50 Coffee break
h. 12:10 Verso un modello di giustizia preventivo – Marco Monzani
h. 12:30 Tavola Rotonda e chiusura dei lavori mattutini in ambito penale
h. 13:00 Pausa pranzo
h. 14:00 Bullismo dalla scuola ai social media: esiti negativi e ricerca di interventi promettenti
Emilio Viano
h. 14:45 Esperienza e regole nella valutazione della custodia dei bambini
Giovanni B. Camerini, Marco Pizzi
h. 15:05 Divorzio con figli minori: un problema di salute pubblica – Vittorio Vezzetti
h. 16:00 Coffee break
h. 16:30 Le separazioni conflittuali e la responsabilità genitoriale – Giorgio Vaccaro
h. 16:50 Conclusioni – Theo Doreleijers and Marco Zanoli
h. 17:10 Tavola rotonda e chiusura dei lavori in ambito civile

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